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Using IWR to Cut Labor Costs Without Outsourcing

Intelligent word recognition (IWR) technology lies at the heart of A2iA's technology and it is optimized for processing field-level (as opposed to character-level) data on real-world documents that contain mostly free-form, hard-to-recognize handwriting that is inherently unsuitable for ICR. The best use of IWR is to eliminate a high percentage of the manual entry of handwritten data and run-on hand print fields on documents that otherwise could be keyed only by humans.

Partner with Mitek

Announced in May 2018, A2iA was acquired by Mitek Systems, a global leader in digital identity verification solutions and inventor of Mobile Deposit®. This acquisition combined two market leaders in image recognition and processing, creating a powerful force with a deep expertise in image analytics.
Our award-winning software toolkits deliver handwriting recognition, text extraction and document classification features. Whether the image is captured by a desktop scanner or mobile device. Our SDKs deliver add-on capabilities that speed automation, simplify customer engagement and quickly capture all types of data from payments and related documents.