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Automated Intelligent Document Classification, Data Extraction and Search Tools for Legal Professionals

Legal teams worldwide often face the prospect of having to sort through mounds of paper documents, looking for particular relevant pieces of information. Traditionally, scouring these documents has been a long and exhaustive manual process, often requiring engaging paralegals on an hourly basis, diverting crucial internal resources or outsourcing the task to a third party. Learn how A2iA's intelligent recognition technology eases e-discovery and the manual document processing.

Partner with Mitek

Announced in May 2018, A2iA was acquired by Mitek Systems, a global leader in digital identity verification solutions and inventor of Mobile Deposit®. This acquisition combined two market leaders in image recognition and processing, creating a powerful force with a deep expertise in image analytics.
Our award-winning software toolkits deliver handwriting recognition, text extraction and document classification features. Whether the image is captured by a desktop scanner or mobile device. Our SDKs deliver add-on capabilities that speed automation, simplify customer engagement and quickly capture all types of data from payments and related documents.